
Our Mission

The Linter is an opinionated guide for coders.

Our mission is to save you time by telling you what is the best coding choice.

As a coder, there are way too many options to choose from. It's hard for beginners and experts alike to decide what is best.

We're here to help you make that choice.

Our goal is to tell you what we think you should use, and let you get back to coding.


The Linter was created by Harry Wolff in 2022.

It's inspired by The Wirecutter, adopting its methodology of telling you what is best rather than a laundry list of what exists.

It was born out of the frustration felt when trying to pick some new techonology. A huge time investment is required to decide what is best. This ranges from sifting through mountains of blog articles, Hacker News threads, Reddit discussions, and Twitter tweets. Each source may contradict another, and some may lead to rabbit holes that just suck up more time and produce even less answers.

Our hope is that The Linter will remove all future research yak shaves.

Help Wanted

The Linter was launched with a small subset of articles. Our hope was to ship fast and iterate quickly.

As such it's easy to presume that The Linter is only concerned with frontend technologies (due to the initial set of articles) but that is not true!

Our aim is to cover every type of technology, however we require experts and writers to help us!

If you're interested in writing for The Linter please send a DM to our twitter account @TheLinter!

Examples of future articles we'd love to write:

  • Best Python/Ruby/PHP/Java/etc Framework
  • Best Upcoming Programming Language
  • Best Server Side Programming Language
  • Best Logging Library for Python/Ruby/PHP/Java/etc
  • Best JSON Library for Python/Ruby/PHP/Java/etc
  • Best GraphQL Library for Python/Ruby/PHP/Java/etc
  • Best Database
  • Best Cloud Provider

This is just a short list, but hopefully gives you an idea of where we're headed. Luckily for us, the options of articles to write are endless.